Our students are committed to ongoing community service projects. All Reddam House Constantia students are involved in CSI initiatives, from ELS to Matric are involved throughout the year.

REDDAM FOUNDATION gives disadvantaged students the opportunity to attend Reddam House.

We invite you to explore this page for photos, news and upcoming events to highlight and showcase our passion for #GIVINGBACK.

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Sunflower Day

Our Early Learning School celebrated Sunflower Day. As some of you may know Chris Corlett was a student at Reddam House and he fought a battle against leukaemia. The Sunflower Fund was established to help people with cancer and every year we commemorate this day at Reddam House. The day saw a stream of coloured topes – tubes of hope - worn in many interesting ways by the little people at our school. Skirts, tops, scarves, bandanas, wristbands and more – these bright pink, purple, blue, green, red and white topes were an indication that we at Reddam House give back and care. What a special day it was!

Bless a baby

A special assembly was held for the Prep School to do a handover of all the wonderful gifts being donated towards the Bless a Baby project. The school also honoured Virginia Thomas and Patricia Sirbon, 2 of the ladies on the cleaning staff who have sewn together many of the squares to form beautiful blankets. This has been an amazing project as so many staff across the board got involved.

Mandela Day

Thank you to all the students and teachers for all the enthusiasm and hard work that went into making our recent Mandela Day Drive so successful. Reddam House Constantia was buzzing with positivity that even the miserable weather could not upset!